Apple Country Public Transit provides bus service throughout the City of Hendersonville, Town of Fletcher and Laurel Park with three (3) bus routes running from 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (exceptions include holidays and severe weather) on a 1-hour cycle. Routes originate from the Transfer Site, located at the corner of 4th and Grove Street in downtown Hendersonville (next to the 1995 Henderson County Courthouse). Henderson County contracts with Western Carolina Community Action (WCCA) to provide transit and paratransit services. Visit the website for routes and a map of stop locations.
Apple Country Public Transit provides bus service throughout the City of Hendersonville, Town of Fletcher and Laurel Park with three (3) bus routes running from 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (exceptions include holidays and severe weather) on a 1-hour cycle. Routes originate from the Transfer Site, located at the corner of 4th and Grove Street in downtown Hendersonville (next to the 1995 Henderson County Courthouse). Henderson County contracts with Western Carolina Community Action (WCCA) to provide transit and paratransit services. Visit the website for routes and a map of stop locations.