Criteria for Submitting Events
Complete the submission form to have your event added to the online calendar, making sure to click “Submit Event” at the bottom of the page. Submission of an event is not automatic, it may take up to 5-7 days for approval and not all submissions are approved.
Please use the following guidelines to help understand whether your event is likely to be approved and to ensure that HCTDA provides accurate event information to visitors.
Calendar of Event Criteria
- Must be a tourist related event
- Must take place in Henderson County, NC or just outside, in a neighboring county
- Must attract visitors from more than 50 miles from Henderson County OR be an event visitors can participate in last-minute while here
- Dates, times and location must be exact
- The listing cannot be an event meant specifically for local residents
- Must be open to the general public
- Contact information must be included in submission
- Full description and fees must be included
- Events with limited availability that require reservations and are likely to fill well in advance
- Events not open to the public or where membership is required
- Events with limited appeal
- Individual business open hours & promotions
- Individual restaurant specials & menus
- Multi-session classes or single classes that do not include all materials
- Auditions
- Meetings, leagues, banquets, conventions or seminars
- Contests & raffles
- Political events
Please notify HCTDA as soon as possible if there are any changes with the event, this is the responsibility of the organization submitting the event.
The Henderson County TDA reserves the right to select and edit all submissions and submission of an event does not guarantee a listing. Contact Melanie Black with questions.
Media File Submission Disclaimer
Please review the Photograph Submission Agreement here. You will be required to submit and sign a digital version of this form (through the event submission form) prior to submitting a photo for your event. You must be the owner of a photo to submit it to our website. The Photograph Submission Agreement form makes you the responsible party for submitting photos you do not own to the HCTDA website.