Outdoor NC

Henderson County Tourism has partnered with Visit NC, Leave No Trace and the North Carolina Outdoor Recreation Office to create Outdoor NC, a program that encourages people to tread lightly on our outdoor resources. 

Ways You Can Encourage Your Guests To Take Care Of Hendersonville’s Great Outdoors

    • If you can, inform guests before they arrive about the Leave No Trace 7 Principles. (Find a downloadable poster above that you can display at your business.) If not, be ready to offer suggestions for what to do if a trailhead is overcrowded, as well as trail etiquette, and other precautions, such as limited cell service on trails, and seasonal trail closures or other concerns to be aware of. Be sure to share where to find information before they set out on an adventure (such as the Friends of DuPont Facebook page).
    • Suggest a “Packing List” specific for their time spent outdoors that includes items such as trash bags, a hiking pack, snacks, filled reusable water bottles, navigation tools (you can provide maps for you guests!), a first aid kit, a camera, hiking poles, high-quality hiking boots, etc. (See downloadable list above!) If you aren’t able to communicate with guests before you arrive, consider offering some of these things for them to borrow.
    • Suggest Voluntourism activities such as trail or river workdays, where you can help clean up or refine. Conserving Carolina, Pisgah Area SORBA and Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy are all great options for voluntourism in Henderson and its surrounding counties. 
    • If your guests are interested in mountain biking, be sure to suggest places like the Riveter and Ride Kanuga, which may help ease some of the pressure on our more popular outdoor destinations.
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